View Profile Dragproductions
Why are people allowed to put naked statues outside but why can't we run outside naked?


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Dragproductions's News

Posted by Dragproductions - October 25th, 2009

EDIT: Jan 31 2010///// Collage Humor Blocked It!!!!

I remember when i was younger and i would watch movies and that Pixar lamp would always be in the begining of the movie, stopming on the "i" in Pixar.
I never really knew what happend to that lamp, i've been trying to watch new movies with Pixar and they don't show the lamp,
but finally i know what happened...

/* */

Posted by Dragproductions - September 7th, 2009

I'm back and ready, to finally make my own solo flash,
No worries, ill still be in DeDeDe's series,
and other flashes that havent not yet been up,
Been traveling to much to go online,
Glad to be back though,
the london ng meet was pretty cool aswell.

Posted by Dragproductions - April 7th, 2009

Hey guys,
Some of you may know The Place, and I've been telling The Place about Newgrounds and he said he was going to try it out, hopefully he is going to make an account, that will be intersting to see some flash projects from him.
I'm not sure if you guys know but the new Charile and the Unicorns 3 came out yesterday.
And i think it just broke a Newgrounds record for highest score out of 5.
The score is like 4.64/5.00.
That's amazing.
Oh, and I've been remembering some codes for Flash. :D
That's all!
-Drag Productions

The Place

Posted by Dragproductions - March 19th, 2009

Hey there,
A new flash/game that I've made is on it's way to Newgrounds.
It's a game where it gives you questions & you answer them and by the end it will tell you what SouthPark character you resemble. Hope you guys are going to like it.

Picture Related:
It's what I would look like in SouthPark!
I made it.

South Park Quiz comming to Newgrounds

Posted by Dragproductions - March 17th, 2009

Hey guys,
Happy St. Patty's day!
Good news ya'll, I have been accepted in 4 more flash artists to have me do voices for them!
C'yea around!


Posted by Dragproductions - March 10th, 2009

Well Hey there. I thought I should tell you guys whats up.
1st finally done downloading Flash 8 onto new computer.
2nd Won a Wii! yay
3rd Congrads to everyone winning the tanks!
4th Pj should have a medal (and me too cuz im saying this)
5th Getting new k2 snowboard. Finally lol
6th Watch Video Below for best Oscar Speech ever!

/* */

Posted by Dragproductions - February 9th, 2009

Ok so new preview for a song!
1st song after the new years.
Pretty soon you will hear the full version w/ rapping in it by urs truly.
Anyway just check out this really funny video i found!

/* */

Posted by Dragproductions - February 1st, 2009

Me and my little brother (Brainboy1) have made a new short video.
We made a video called Re: Ninja Cat (Ninja Boy).
It is a spoof if the Ninja Catvideo featured on YouTube.

My brother is the cat.
I am the camera guy.

It will be uploaded on YouTube on Wednesday, February 4th, 2009 at around 6 o'clock Newgrounds time.

Hope that you all will enjoi it.

//////////////EDIT\\\\\\\\\\\\\: The new movie has a slight delay from malfunctions, will have the movie on YouTube by Friday!


/* */

Posted by Dragproductions - December 31st, 2008

Hello there, (This message is mostly towards theinternetwork & to the pubilc if it wants to become)
Ok ill get to the point.
Since I have been wondering and wondering about what style of flash i should make,
I thought long and hard but i think it would be around one of these:
Stick animation
Stop animation
Clay animation (aka stop aniamtion)
Spam animation
Real animation
Anyway I have been trying out different styles of drawing to see which one i would like to do.
Now I'm showing an old manga(Cartoon Anime) character from the Naruto series.
I drew this by hand( not that shitty tracing) on easter of 2008( I had to say 2008 cuz its almost newyears 2009.
Enough about ranting on about almost nothing,
I need a programmer.(Possible Pete)
Cuz i can only do the basic of flash but i need some help.
Any suggestions for any of these topics will be helpful!
If you have any extra ideas for my that would also be helpful!
Now I make you decide if this drawing is flash material.
!Thank You For Taking Your Time To Read This!

-Drag Productions


Posted by Dragproductions - December 22nd, 2008

On the 10th day of X-mass Tom Fulp presented to me...
Charlie The Unicorn!

For other news I have found a cool newgrounds chat right here on newgrounds. So when ever you're online on ng go on to the newgrounds chat + ill always be on that ng chat if you want to talk with me.

Also, I have put up a picture that I drew a while back but put into the art fourm.
To see the thread click here.


12 days of X-mass(10th day)